Sequel - Hack The Box

Appointment is a machine of Starting Point of HTB. The machine has a PHP web app and the objetive is find a command injection vulnerability in the site to claim the flag.

1st HTB VPN connection

The initials goals of the HTB in this Starting Point are connect with the machine. We only need download vpn and connect with OVPN


2nd Task

The initials goals of the HTB in this Starting Point are connect with the machine. We only need download vpn and connect with OVPN


1st HTB VPN connection

The initials goals of the HTB in this Starting Point are connect with the machine. We only need download vpn and connect with OVPN


1st HTB VPN connection

The initials goals of the HTB in this Starting Point are connect with the machine. We only need download vpn and connect with OVPN


1st HTB VPN connection

The initials goals of the HTB in this Starting Point are connect with the machine. We only need download vpn and connect with OVPN


1st HTB VPN connection

The initials goals of the HTB in this Starting Point are connect with the machine. We only need download vpn and connect with OVPN


1st HTB VPN connection

The initials goals of the HTB in this Starting Point are connect with the machine. We only need download vpn and connect with OVPN


1st HTB VPN connection

The initials goals of the HTB in this Starting Point are connect with the machine. We only need download vpn and connect with OVPN


1st HTB VPN connection

The initials goals of the HTB in this Starting Point are connect with the machine. We only need download vpn and connect with OVPN


1st HTB VPN connection

The initials goals of the HTB in this Starting Point are connect with the machine. We only need download vpn and connect with OVPN


Last step to root

The initials goals of the HTB in this Starting Point are connect with the machine. We only need download vpn and connect with OVPN



The initials goals of the HTB in this Starting Point are connect with the machine. We only need download vpn and connect with OVPN
